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"Helping people find their passion"
I love the aha moments, the times when everything feels like it's falling into place and hearing my clients tell me they tried something new or did something different. That's why I'm a sucess coach and a counsellor. I couldn't imagine more satisfying work.



Twelve Things my Clients say I do for them:


1) Ask good questions.


2) Make them think.


3) Create a future they are excited about.


4) Live life with a long term vision.


5) Make better, more effective choices. 


6) Know themselves better and as a result stop       saying "yes" when they want to say "no".


7) Set goals, achieve them and feel great about     themselves.


8) Know what they want and how to go after it.


9) Be aware of when they sabbotage        themselves, why they do, and learn how to      stop.


10) Improve the quality of their relationships         letting go of people that do not support        them. 


11) Offer a different perspective. 


12) Learn to recognize valuable oppurtunities          and turn down the ones that aren't.




About Sabina


Sabina Latendorf has been in private practice as a counsellor and consultant since the early 1990's. She has led groups and programs for individuals, corporations and charities. Her corporate clients include Coca Cola, Minute Maid, Girl Guides of Canada, Wellness at Work, The Canadian Diabetes Foundation, among others. Her private practice has been enhanced by working in a collective environment at Yonge Lawrence Centre for Counselling and Consulting (formerly Goodman, Thomas-Goodman, Pomerantz, Robinson and Assoc.). 


Her life-long interest in personal growth, psychology and spirituality has led her to pursue a Psychology degree, coaching training, exploration in art therapy, Gestalt seminars, extensive education in mental health issues and various tools and techniques to assist her clients. Autosomatic Training, visualization techniques, impact therapy, attitudinal healing, meditation techniques and Huna concepts (Hawaiian Shamanism) are a few of the ways in which she facilitates clients. 


The seminars, courses, and programs she has developed and led include: 


* Create Your Year 

* Life by Design 

* Living Lite 

* An Inspired Life 

* Leaps and Bounds 

* Bardo (week long retreat in           Mexico, with Dr. Willa Litvak)      

* Creating your private practice        (10 week program) 

* Facilitator: Community Group       (monthly for 3 years) for          graduates of Psychotherapy          training and starting practice. 


Sabina's passion has been to deeply engage others in a profound way that empowers individuals to imagine and manifest the life they want to live. The rewards of being a part of this journey are so meaningful that, for Sabina, this is a life worth living. Her other passion is sailing.


For information or to schedule a

Good work equals

good fit

For most of us we spend a third or more of our waking hours in a week working. Good work provides us with an identity, self worth, financial rewards and much more. Work that is a bad fit causes us stress (leading sometimes to illness), a feeling of "lack" or emptiness and with very little to give. The goal of the career work I do with clients is to take an integrative approach to assessing and choosing  the best possible fit for all areas of life. Leading a well-rounded healthy and balanced life with a sense of fulfillment and growth is key of a life well lived. The less we need to change who we are for the workplace/job the more effortless it feels and the more energy and passion we can embody.











 office location below:

320 Danforth Ave. Suite 201,

Toronto, Ontario



If you are looking for a heartfelt, intuitive and intelligent Coach....then Sabina is an excellent choice. She is intensely committed to the Personal and Professional growth of her clients. Sabina is a artistic and logical teacher with a rare gift for inspiring people in the process of making dreams come true. She will guide you from goals to vision and from fear to action...All in a way that is authentic, efficient and and creative."

Dr. Joseph B. Goodman (psych)




"The road less travelled is not easy. It takes courage and faith and someone to believe in the vision you have for your life, no matter how improbable.

A guide, a coach, is indispensible. An objective, cool head of reason, and warm detachment, that's what gets you through those sleepless nights. It has been Sabina's life's work, and it shows.

Simply, and confidently, when I was fearful, lost, and ready to abandon all hope, she encouraged, prodded, cajoled, laughed, and pushed until I could do it on my own. Sabina changed my life. There is no other way to express it."

Orlanda Fitzgerald




Access to services is important.

Come in live and in person, it's the best, but not always easy. Appointments are also available by phone, skype or facetime. The same charge applies. Appointments are generally available from Tuesday to Friday during office hours with some exceptions. Special circumstances do exist and most can be accomodated.

If you are physically disabled please contact me to make special arrangements.

To pay attention, this is our endless and proper work.

Mary Oliver 



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